
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

where you can't find what you're looking for. you came to the right place.


it's an open-source newsletter of humor, comics, 1-800 phone number insurrections, drug study diaries, guerilla postcard calls, defiance of private property, music and book reviews, base opinions, basic humor, artistic resistance, resisting 'art', biographies of people that invented things like rock n'roll, biographies of people that at one point in their life took a bath in a tub full of lsd, a short scale history of the beard, a brief diagram of a voodoo mansion, blueprints for time machines, wingnut news articles on wood-burning locomotives, wild fruit maps, and large descripts of united states annex puerto rico.

by open-source newsletter we mean that it belongs to you, and by submitting your story, piece, idea, you will become a part of the newsletter. by being a part of the newsletter you will receive free copies of the newsletter. please submit through e-mail to mattydangelo@gmail.com or through snail mail to the

PO BOX 15013

beatnick et dream machine

beatnick et dream machine


my friend ed talked to me today about being powerless. his face was swollen, he had a black eye, and his hands had cuts scabbed over or open, bloody and sore. three guys jumped him downtown. recently homeless, he moved here from providence, rhode island to get away from 'bad men' and 'evil family.' he left to 'save' his wife and son because he was scared for their lives. i see him around town everyday and we stop and chat and often have a lot to share with each other. he's a very animated person, and on top of that he's a beautifully clear thinking person who loves civil disobedience. we talk about our discontent with the police of gainesville, oppressive geography and design of society, and miscommunication. ed's never afraid to talk to people. i like ed.

my friend gustavo talked to me today about printing out more poems for wall attack #4. he sent me the poems through e-mail and they look really good. he wrote a few, our friend rilly wrote one, and i wrote one. rilly found these clip art images of a person, a house, and a tree making funny faces. i like these two people because they're not afraid to challenge the streets and put things up on the walls, and they tell me stories about their experiences doing it and how much fun they had running up hills with a piece of paper, glue dripping on their shoes, about to paste a piece of poetry onto the side of a abandoned building. and they inspire me to do funny things myself, like write poetry and put poems up on walls, and challenge 'artists' who 'completely disagree' with our practices and call it self-promotion despite the ritual of vandalism as self-sacrifice. in our society we are at risk for expressing ourselves with the idea of feeling 'completely liberated.' i value their ideas and the way they think, and most of all the way they act, their motions and words amaze me.

1 comment:

  1. i love you, matty. have fun up north. take care, make the walls sing.
